inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn

    The national wrestling team, led by Ioan Giulea and Cornelius Dorian Trucmel is hard at work preparing for the international beach wrestling championship. Approximately 300 athletes from 15 countries gather each year in a show of force across three days of competition. The event is organized by the International Wrestling Union together with The Romanian Wrestling Federation, C.S. Mangalia and ASM Callatis MG Mangalia, in partnership with the local Town Hall. The Romanian team is made out of 57 athletes who will be competing in 3 age groups: cadets, juniors and seniors both women as well as men. Also, Mangalia as the host of this event is greatly appreciated internationally by The Romanian Wrestling Federation vice-president, Lucian Luca. This is one of the objectives he set out to accomplish when he was given the function back in 2013.