inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn
Tomb of Christian Psalms

Tomb of Christian Psalms

    This tomb was discovered in the vast necropolis of the Callatis city dated from Roman-Byzantine era and belongs to the category of hypogeum tombs type, spread throughout Roman Empire. The tomb is located at -1,20m to walking level, the access in the funeral...
Mangalia Tourist Port-Mangalia Marina

Mangalia Tourist Port-Mangalia Marina

     Mangalia Marina is the only harbor (for yachts and small boats) on the Black Sea constructed with non-refundable European funds for recreational crafts, at European technical and quality standards which will allow to have a place in the most prestigious...
Comorova Forest

Comorova Forest

    At the end of XIX century, on the area of Comorova Forest there was a settlement with the same name. It had 4 families, with 14 souls, Turkish and Bulgarian fishermen. Comorova Lake had a surface of 60 ha and was covered by reed. During 1903-1906, at Comorova, 5...
The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia

The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia

    “Callatis” stronghold was built, according to ancient literary sources, at the end of VI century B.C., by Dorian colonists from Heraclea Pontica. The city was built upon a demand of an oracle, on the remains of a settlement named Cerbatis or Acervetis. The...
The papyrus grave

The papyrus grave

The papyrus grave THE ONLY PAPYRUS DISCOVERED IN ROMANIA HAS BEEN RETRIEVED     In 1959 the urban planning of Mangalia began and new archaeological researches were conducted. Based on these researches, new archaeological complex were found in the Hellenistic...
The Byzantine Edifice

The Byzantine Edifice

    In the North-East corner of the city, near the enclosure wall from “President” Hotel reception, it was discovered a big Byzantine-Roman edifice, dated 5th-6th century A.D. The building is rectangular, built of large limestone blocks linked together with lime...