inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn

Mangalia Stud Farm

    Is situated 3 km north of Mangalia and only 500 m from the west shore of the Black Sea; This isn’t by chance, instead it takes into consideration Geo-climate conditions necessary for breeding of the Arabic species of horses. The climate facilitated the breeding of Mangalia Arabian horse, with special traits. Besides its ranch branch, it is also an excellent centre for recreation and a tourist attraction.

Mangalia Stud Farm

The facility is equipped with a trot and a gallop hippodrome that is well established and inside the unit, horseback riding is thought. Tourists can take horseback or horse drawn carriage rides along the seashore. The ranch is the biggest of its type in South-Eastern Europe and breeds only pure bred horses: Arabian pure breed, semi-greys and some ponies. The stud farm has a long tradition, being established back in 1926. Back then, in Mangalia, Arabic horses were bred from ranches such as those from Jegălia, Cislău and Rădăuți. Between 1936 and 1941, the ranch imported two “lines” of Polish pureblood studs: El-Sbaa and Nedjari. The Ranch covers over 580 hectares of which over 400 are used for farming fodder which ensures nourishment for the 350+ horses. The Mangalia Hippodrome, the only one of its kind in the country designed for gallop races, stretches out over 19 hectares. Here, during the summer, between July and September, horse races are held where ranches and breeders from all over the country take part.

Mangalia Stud Farm

    The pure bred studs are trained daily by 8 jocks, each responsible for five horses. The 8 hour a day training schedule alternates between trotting, galloping, long galloping and light strolling. The most beautiful spectacle is that of horses on the seashore, when, sometimes, the horses train for several hours in the sea to the delight of locals and tourists alike, witnesses to a rare spectacle. A well looked after horse can usually reach around 30 years of age. The ranch’s record holder was Nedjari, king Mihai’s steed, who died at the age of 34 in 1946.