inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn
Mangalia Lake

Lake Mangalia

    Between Mangalia slop and Saturn is a wide and welcoming beach. At the west it’s a large water mirror, with numerous lines and reed isles- is Mangalia slop which, after its dredging and cleaning became Mangalia Lake. The lake is accessible, in the west is Mangalia-Constanta roadway and in the east the road which connects Mangalia and Saturn. Its 99 ha surface makes it an important and noticeable objective, from any direction; a walk with the boat, in the summer, can lead to special encounters with aigrette, swans and other bird species, European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). On the margin of the lake, fishermen are almost always present. In the cold season, the slop becomes shelter for many bird species: coots, pelicans, ducks, wild geese, cormorants and swans. On the bottom of the slop there are several deep pits (the deepest is 18m while the water around it is only 1-2 m deep) of thermal and sulphurous springs. 24 springs were reported, with an estimated flow of 250 litres/second, containing methane and hydrogen sulphide bubbles with a temperature of approximately 25 degrees Celsius.