inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn
Light at the Seashore

    Approximately 5000 believers take part in the annual Resurrection celebration that takes part each year in the Mangalia Tourist Port. In 2015, the religious ceremony was held by a synod of priests. Participants enjoyed the favourable seaside weather and fully enjoyed the ceremony of the lighting of the candles at midnight. After listening to the preaching, the participants either headed to their respective places of worship, headed to share the light with friends and family as well as with their departed in the city cemetery. Also, some of the people present headed to the beach where they lit lamps in memory of their departed. It is the 14th consecutive year in Mangalia when the greatest Christian repast takes place by the seashore.

    Town Hall held a special event on the seashore, namely the symbolic launching of 5000 lamps under the slogan “Light that comes, goes back to the heavens”. Locals and tourists attending the resurrection ceremony had and will once again have the chance to launch lamps, as a sign of gratefulness towards God.