inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn

The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia

    “Callatis” stronghold was built, according to ancient literary sources, at the end of VI century B.C., by Dorian colonists from Heraclea Pontica. The city was built upon a demand of an oracle, on the remains of a settlement named Cerbatis or Acervetis. The archaeological materials discovered until now at Mangalia date back to 4th century B.C. In 4th century B.C., the city was conquered by Macedonians and in the 1st century B.H. the city was under the Roman Empire. Callatis was destroyed at the beginning of VII century B.H. by Avars and Slavs.

The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia offers visitors a diverse cultural offer – the permanent exhibits of the museum, the archaeological monuments throughout Mangalia and numerous scientific and cultural activities organized by Callatis museum.



The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia


The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia


The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia


The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia

    The main exhibit of the museum shows numerous architectural fragments (columns, capitals, architrave, frieze with metopes, comice with bucranium,etc), various ceramic pots (amphorae, hydriai, kantharos, lekythos), oil-lamps, aqueduct, Tanagra statuettes, glass pots, funerary steles, inscriptions, representations of several deities, jewellery , coins, metal objects, etc.

     By visiting the museum, visitors can also see the papyrus grave, dating 4th century .B.C., found in 1959, restored and kept in the main exhibit of the museum. The tomb was covered with three stone plates and in the grave was discovered a papyrus in Greek language. The tomb was surrounded by stone plates that can be seen even today. The papyrus is the only artifact of this kind discovered in Romania and is the oldest in Europe. In August 2011 it was reclaimed from Moscow by Dr. Ion Paslaru and Dr. Sorin Marcel Colesniuc.

    In front of the museum are architectural fragments (columns, capitals and architrave) from ancient times and in the park behind the building are numerous architectural fragments and an incineration pyre.

    At approximately 50 m from the museum, towards town’s center, in the municipal archaeological park, there are exposed other ancient columns and several architectural fragments as well as sarcophagi from Roman era.


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  • SUMMER:    DAILY 08:30-19:30
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