inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn

Mangalia Tourist Port-Mangalia Marina

     Mangalia Marina is the only harbor (for yachts and small boats) on the Black Sea constructed with non-refundable European funds for recreational crafts, at European technical and quality standards which will allow to have a place in the most prestigious Mediterranean and Black Sea touristic ports network. The end result is a modern marina, designed in such a way to combine the area’s particulars, with all its advantages, taking into consideration general recommendation for a port settlement, recommendations followed by all great touristic ports nearby.

    One of the most important projects in Mangalia was the Tourist and Recreational Port. Direct access from berth, direct access to the city, located in an area protected from strong winds and storms, the area is suitable for water sports, all these features making Mangalia a second Monte Carlo and one of the biggest tourist ports at Black Sea.

    Nautical tourism has an internal but an international character as well, including Mangalia Marina in a circuit of Black Sea. For example, Istanbul-Varna-Mangalia-Odessa-Yalta line can be made by coast navigation. This type of circuit can be extended, with two more locations- tourist ports- from Black Sea seaside. It’s a two days navigation trip from Mangalia Marina to Odessa, 1 day to Varna and a couple of hours to Constanta or Danube Delta, which will certainly attract numerous tourists interested in this kind of journey.

    Increase in mooring capacity of the port will certainly include Mangalia City in the Black Sea nautical circuit, by organizing larger sport activities, such as boat races. For example, in August 2008, Mangalia Marina successfully hosted the first edition of Bavaria Yachting Show for small and large watercrafts, for sale. Another event organized by Mangalia Municipality together with Romanian Yachting Federation – Balkanic Yachting Games- took place during 3-8 September 2008, with 21 participants from 9 countries and over 150 watercrafts. On 13-14 September 2008, Offshore Sail National Championship also took place, event organized by Royal Romanian Yacht Club.

    At the same time Mangalia Marina can be a base for coast touristic ships that will sail along Romanian seaside, with stops at Neptun, Costinesti, Eforia, Constanta, Mamaia or Midia.

    Mangalia’s membership in The Union of Ancient Greek Mediterranean Ports and Black Sea ports even since 1998 will enable Marina’s inclusion in these types of offers in Europe.

    Due to its location, Mangalia Marina offers ideal conditions for watercrafts’ mooring and maintenance during winter and even use of them on Mangalia Lake when Black Sea is impracticable due to meteorological conditions.



Mangalia Tourist Port-Mangalia Marina

    Due to its location, Mangalia Marina offers ideal conditions for watercrafts’ mooring and maintenance during winter and even use of them on Mangalia Lake when Black Sea is impracticable due to meteorological conditions.