inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Saturn


     Water sports are individual or team sports that take place on, in or under water. Depending on where they are practiced, they can be played in pools, flowing waters (natural or artificial), lakes, the sea or the ocean. Saturn and its two neighbouring resorts, Mangalia and Venus, on account of their location on the Black Sea shore offer the possibility of playing a wide variety of water sports.

     Thus, between Saturn and Venus kite surfing is practiced, where you can “fly” above the waves with the help of kites. Kite surfing and kite boarding are the latest trend in extreme sports and are some of the most spectacular water sports.

     Another water sport practiced locally is wind surfing, a water surface sport which combines elements of surfing and sailing.

    Wake boarding is the preferred water sport for those who love skiing and snowboarding. Locally there are also professional scuba instructors who can teach you to scuba dive. This sport is a type of underwater diving where a scuba diver uses an autonomous underwater breathing apparatus. This sport allows sea wildlife admirers to get in touch with fauna in its natural habitat. The local dams are veritable trampolines for those who love cliff jumping. Other sports such as swimming, free diving, canoeing, speed sailing, boat rides and sea pedal-bikes or jet skiing can also be practiced.







