inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
Centre national d'information et de promotion du tourisme - Saturn
Liberty Parade

    Thousands of youths take part each year in the Liberty Parade concert, which is held on the especially designated stage between Venus and Saturn. The Liberty Caravan starts in Olimp and goes on through the major streets of Neptun, Jupiter and Venus. Several Djs have mixed in the moving trucks, such as DJ Saguna, DJ Deeper, DJ Seka, DJ Aser, DJ Parker, Dj Mentol si Dj Beaghy. Caravan participants have always competed in ever more spectacular costumes and have interacted with the tourists who admired them from the side of the road. The theme for 2015 was Transformation. This concept brought the event to a new level, namely making a direct link between the public and the artists with the aim of a better understanding of electronic music. During the show, spectacular mixes have been made between electronic music and live music and the light and sound shows were “beyond anything that has ever been or imagined in Romania, ever”.